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Monday 31 December 2012

A very happy New Year to you all

Today marks the last day of the year 2012. A couple of months ago, we were celebrating the last day of the year 2011 and in less than an hour, we’ll be in the year 2013. Wow!! How time flies.
As we gradually approach midnight, let us take out some time to reflect on the activities of this year. Not everyone that started this year lived to see the end and so we thank God Almighty for the gift of life. Some of us got our dream jobs this year, some got engaged, some got married, some had their kids, some of us got promotions, some of us started our businesses and grew them successfully, some graduated, gained admissions, some got healed and a lot more. The case wasn’t the same for some other people, but in all, we thank God Almighty.
2013… A new year, a new beginning, packed with lots of expectations. Before the end of today, most of us will write down a list of things they either want to change in their lives or achieve in the coming year. We call them “New Year Resolutions”. The big question is how many of us actually write down these lists and keeps to them? Most of us wrote down resolutions (goals) at the beginning of this year. Some of us achieved most of our resolutions, some tried failed and gave up, and some did not even try at all.
For those of us that achieved our set out resolutions/goals this year, kudos to you. For those who tried and failed, this is another opportunity to think of better strategies to achieve our resolutions/ goals. For those of us that didn’t try at all, you need to understand that action orientation is a major requirement for success in anything you do. Just like the one of Newton’s laws of motion states “all objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied”, you need to take action.
I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year and I pray that this new year will be a year of new beginnings, that God Almighty will Guide and protect us through and that we shall achieve everything we hope to achieve. Have a wonderful new year………     

Monday 24 December 2012

Today marks 25th December 2012… Christmas Day. A day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To all my friends and loved ones viewing this, I wish you all a very merry Christmas. May the tidings of joy and blessings on this day be on you and your family. I enjoin all of you to take out sometime to give the Lord Almighty Praise, Appreciate him, and Exalt his Holy name because it’s by his grace and mercies that we witness this day. God bless you all as you celebrate today…… once again, A Very Merry Christmas to YOU…    

Sunday 18 November 2012

Overcoming your fears

I remember a couple of months ago when I published a blog on ‘why I want you to become an Entrepreneur’ I got lots of remarks and questions from friends that I wished they were posted on my blog. I remember chatting with a couple of people that had wonderful business plans and smashing ideas and I noticed that most of them hadn’t put their plans/ideas into action for one reason or another. These reasons I tagged as their fears.
The truth is that fear is natural, and every one of us fear one thing or the other; water, heights, enclosed spaces, crowd, uncertainty and so on, but “quote me if I am wrong” one of the most common fear in us is the fear of failure. We all know that fear can be crippling. It can stop you on your tracks. It can tie you down and prevent you from doing anything constructive and innovative. It can also prevent you from achieving your goals/dreams. One sure thing is no one wants to fail. This is why being an Entrepreneur requires a special kind of courage because you will definitely face a great deal of uncertainty as you start or run your business. Today’s world is more competitive, uncertain and full of insecurities, so to survive here, one need to be daring and strong in order to climb the ladder of success. Remember fear is just an illusion of the mind and the ability to overcome fear and make decisions on how to proceed can mean the difference between success and failure in anything you do….. Richard Branson.

Back to the big question; How do we overcome fear? What are the things we can do to enable us face and overcome our fears?  I believe these few tips can be helpful.

Recognize your fears.

This is the first and foremost step one should take.  You need to recognize that this is indeed one of the fears you have. For some of us, our fears have become part of us. This makes it difficult to even recognize them. For example, say you want to start a business, but you are afraid of taking risks. Every time someone talks to you about starting a business, your immediate response is “Oh, that’s too risky for me”. In this instance, you have so internalized the fear of taking risks that you don’t even recognize it as one of your fears anymore. In your world, it becomes an absolute truth that starting a business = bad. You no longer recall why or how you came to that conclusion. This is an extremely dangerous mode to get into because not only are your fears limiting your progress, you don’t even know that it is.
You should always very carefully examine the reasons why you choose not to do something. As long as something doesn’t kill you or permanently injure you in some way, it simply means you can do it! Start by making a list of anything you want to do. If an automatic thought crosses your mind stating some reason you can’t do it now, that is the result of some sort of fear. Let’s say you have in mind to ask your boss for a raise but you can’t, this could be the result of the fear of his refusing you, his getting angry and thinking you are greedy, etc. You want to start a business but you can’t do it now because you don’t have enough money, that is the result of the fear of going broke, going hungry and so on. Write down the reasons you have and the fears associated with those reasons.
Once you have recognized your fears, you can now work towards defeating them. These are the things that are holding you back from exploring more possibilities and limiting your growth as a person.

Change your perspective

The way we see things can radically change our impressions, this also goes for the objects of our fear as well. Shifting our viewpoint may eradicate our fear completely. Often, we fear things that we feel are not clear to us and we are not sure of the outcome. Sometimes we think they are much more horrible or difficult than they really are, whether they are things or events so we choose to remain in what we feel is our “comfort zone”. If we try to think outside this zone and approach our fears just once, we’ll realize how over exaggerative our imagination had been. Fear of flying is a great example. Even a single flight can convince you that flying really isn’t that bad. You may even find it exciting. The same thing goes for those who want to achieve a goal or plan but have the fear of uncertainty or failure to achieve them. In taking the first step, you might see that it’s not as difficult as you think. In any case, it won’t be mysterious anymore—and remember, we rarely fear that which is familiar. So let’s change the way we think. Change your negative thoughts to positive ones and believe me that’s a good step to working your way up.

Give yourself a pep talk

Don’t be a defeatist. By this I mean you shouldn’t just give up, or beat yourself up if you fail or are not able to do things you want to do due to one form of fear or the other. The truth is; you are not too weak to overcome our fear; you simply need to take action. Fear despises action, and prefers to see us tied up and powerless. You need to have a positive attitude, negative thoughts bring about negative attitude and this makes us justify why we see things the way they are. Encourage yourself, even if there’s no one to encourage you. Always have the “I can do it” mindset even when faced with discouragements.

Understand the Benefits of Failure

There’s this popular saying “Every disappointment is a form of blessing”. To me this depends on how u take disappointments. If for every disappointment you get, you just decide to give up, then this cannot work for you. You need to understand that life is like the five fingers of your hands, no day is similar to each other. Every failure of your life knocks a better opportunity for your ultimate growth and career building. For example, if you fail to achieve your goal for this year, rather than beat yourself up or give up, you should take out time to think of strategies you took towards achieving the goal that failed. Try and see if a change in one or more of these strategies could yield a better result. But you have to be really confident and put forward an excellent step towards a new opportunity. Don’t let the fear conquer your mind. Keep in mind your positive aspects and strengths which will let you walk on a right and successful path.

Begin with Smaller Steps

Do not sit idle, keep on fighting to reduce your fears. It is a fact that everything seems tough for the first time and eventually looks the easiest. The wisest method is to begin with small steps and less risk. I read a book “the success principles” by jack canfield, where he talked about scaling down your risk. Here he talked about taking your risks from the smallest point and working it all the way to the top. This got me thinking “Why is it that computer games have difficulty levels?” they do. Let me explain this a little further; the first time people play a computer game, they start with the beginner level and master it, they get more confidence to proceed till they get to the hardest level. Attribute this to your fears and you’ll see that you can gradually over come your fears.

In conclusion, I would like to quote this; “You can do anything everyone else can do, but only you can do it better”. Defeat is only a temporary situation. Giving up is what makes it permanent. We scare ourselves by imagining negative outcomes to any activities we pursue or experience. So let’s imagine positive outcomes to anything we do. We all should be willing to take the leap of faith because that’s what successful people do. Even if they were afraid, they knew that if they didn’t act, opportunities could pass them by. By overcoming your fears, you can turn your dreams into reality and live the life you deserve. Remember, no one achieves greatness by playing it safe.

Thanks for reading and Have a nice week y’all.

Monday 1 October 2012

Why I Want You to be an Entrepreneur (Part 2)

It feels amusing everytime I find myself talking to someone or a group of persons about Entrepreneurship, about Opportunities. I'm constantly amused because my Ideas of a Career and Wealth Creation used to be very stereotype, Ideas that were based on false premises and a faulty Ideology. Today with all the buzz and activities I try to engage in, some people tell me my DNA (Igbo genes, lol) is just beginning to kick into gear. But I think that more than the natural heritage which I can't disclaim, it is the realization I wake with every morning that I possess the Initiative and Responsibility to make things happen that can make the Entrepreneurial process one hell of a "roller coaster", and seriously, who doesn’t just love that?

I used to be a big time critic of Multilevel Marketing (MLM) a.k.a. Network Marketing because it always appeared In genuine to me. I don't think my fears were unfounded because there are many fraudulent schemes and dubious businesses people front in the name of Network Marketing, but "If it isn’t the Real Deal, it can’t be the Real Deal". If there's a genuine company, with a genuine product and global aspirations with a huge potential for expansion; if there's such an opportunity and you find it friend, if you have the guts to, I can only tell you one thing, "Grab IT"! At this point, for good measure let me quote the words of one of the masters, Mr Kiyosaki. In his New York Times bestselling book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", he says the only way to become wealthy is to go into business for yourself. In his own words, "Mind Your Own Business." I may also add that "The greatest Entrepreneurial Opportunities will be in distributing products rather than in manufacturing products. I can say this with a great deal of conviction because on one level, I was engaged in the Manufacturing Business and on another in the Distribution Business. I've seen enormous rewards that come from distribution without the risks and troubles of Manufacturing.

I was in Lagos, “on the Lagos island” about two weeks ago, and while strolling with a friend, I noticed a man with his wagon parked beside the road. The car trunk was open and he had some merchandise on display with a great number of people around him. For a moment I looked at him and was like, "Hey! This just makes sense". This dude was doing his business from his car, eliminating the option of renting a building, of employing a security staff at the door, of hiring a receptionist to attend to clients, of being taxed for his business, of acquiring furniture that'd serve more as a liability than an asset. Coupled with this, he possessed the advantage of mobility and choice of customer. Definitely this is how small enterprises grow, certain structures would become necessary but at level of his business, that model's simply genius! Through direct selling, he eliminated so many overhead costs of doing business. At that moment, reflecting back to Network Marketing, which is also direct selling; I began to see how through the elimination of 3rd, 4th and even 5th parties in business, Network Marketing is able to pay "Crazy Commissions" to ordinary people enabling them to live extra- ordinary lives. This isn’t fiction friends, this is fact; and I am getting to Believe.

Some people come up with the excuse of Inadequate Capital. This could be a major constraint, but I believe though compared to the reward you could make out of the business with minimal risk, the capital is negligible. The pursuit of Opportunity goes beyond the resources one currently controls, if you truly can dare to dream, you'll do.

Another problem some pips have is the negative response they get from prospective customers when they've just started the business. Truly, one of the most annoying aspects of Entrepreneurship is having to sell but there isn't an Entrepreneur who doesn’t sell. It all depends on your attitude towards selling; like the masters say, "Perception is the Key". If you think it's about making quick profits off naive people, you're sure to fail at some point. Successful Entrepreneurs are Network Builders, selling for them is not just about initiating a transaction; it's about making and keeping a promise and a strong relationship with a customer. It's about the pleasure of seeing people derive value from your product. Irrespective of how awesome a product is, without good marketing, it's a Flop.

In closing, I'd love to quote the words of a legendary wise man from a distant time, a man who was king of a great nation and whose wisdom Kings and rulers, young and old, rich and poor, all sought to hear. He said:
"I have observed something else in this world of ours. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated do not always lead successful lives. This my friend is another reason Why I Want You to be an Entrepreneur.

Thank you for reading, Bye-Bye and and a Happy Independence Day to y'all
Dedicated to Randy Gage, truly a Legend.

Thanks Enyi Emezue for smashing ideas…

Monday 17 September 2012

Setting Goals for Outstanding Performance

Have you ever thought about what you want to be doing in five years' time? Where you’ll be by then? What you would have achieved, or progresses you have made in whatever plan you have set out for yourself?   Are you clear about what your main objective in your life is at the moment? Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today?

The truth is that if most of us are asked these questions, we can hardly give definite answers. Our answers are either vague or not straight to the point.

It’s actually a fact that different individuals have different plans which they want to achieve in life, but it’s also funny to know that most people don’t even have plans as to what they want to do in their life time. It is very important for people to have goals in life and have a formula to achieve it.

The dictionary defines Goal as an aim or desired result, but I would like to define goal as set out plans or aims in which an individual wishes to achieve within a time frame. Goal setting is very important if you want to succeed. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to control of your life's direction; it also shows responsibility, commitment and provides a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding.

The tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goals, the tragedy lies in having no goals to reach............Benjamin Mays

However, in order to accomplish your goals, you need to know how to set them. First thing you should do is carefully considering what you want to achieve. You should be able to put in a lot of hard work and sacrifices to accomplish your goals. Below are some tips that could aid you setting goals that you can accomplish.

Set Motivating Goals.

When setting goals, it is important that they motivate you. Your goals should be set according to your priorities. If your goal is of little interest to you and doesn’t have much value upon achievement, you risk setting goals that will demoralize you. You should also be willing to commit yourself and have the “I can do it” attitude so as to maximize the likelihood of succeeding.  Moreover, your goals, when shared with others should be able to convince them that it’s worth your while.

Set SMART goals

Most of you would probably have heard of SMART goals, but the question is do we really apply them? In order For goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be





             Time Bound.

Set Specific Goals

You goal must be clear and well defined. Setting Vague or Ambiguous goals are unhelpful because they won’t provide you sufficient direction. One thing you should remember is that, your goals should show you the way. It should be made as easy as possible so you can to get where you want. You also need to define precisely where you want to end up

Set Measurable Goals

Including precise dates, amounts, progress checkpoints and so on can help you measure your degree of success. For instance if your goal is defined as “buying a car by in the next one year”, you should know the cost implication of the car, you should know how much you have to save every month. This will help you monitor your progress.Celebration comes knowing that you have actually achieved something.

.Set Attainable Goals

It is important to make it possible to achieve the goals you set. If you set a goal that you have no hope of achieving, you will only demoralize yourself and erode your confidence.

However, resist the urge to set goals that are too easy. Accomplishing goals that you didn't have to work hard for can also make you fear setting future goals that carry a risk of non-achievement. By setting realistic yet challenging goals, you hit the balance you need. These are the types of goals that require you to "raise the bar" and they bring the greatest personal satisfaction.

Set Relevant Goals

Goals you set for yourself should be relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take. By keeping goals aligned with this, you'll develop the focus you need to get ahead and do what you want. Setting inconsistent goals, will only stall your time – and your life – away.

Set Time Bound Goals

You goals must have a deadline. When you are working on a deadline, your sense of urgency increases and achievement will come that much quicker. . Again, this means that you know when you can celebrate success

Put Your Goals Into Writing

Putting your goals in writing makes them real and difficult to forget. With this you could actually make a to-do-list of steps you will take to achieve them. Another good step is to post them at visible places, to constantly remind you of what you want to achieve. It is also important to use the word “will”. Using the word “will” sounds more positive, committing and motivating, unlike words like “I would”, “I should” and “I might” for example “I will save #10, 000 a month”, sounds more committing than “I would like to save #10, 000 a month”. The latter lacks passion could make you get easily distracted.

 Finally goal setting is an ongoing process not just a means to an end. It’s important you stick to action plans or steps you set out to achieve them. With this you should be able to measure your degree of success.

I would like to end this with this old saying; If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Have a nice week y’all…..   

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Why i want you to become an Entrepreneur

"All our dreams can come true -if we have the courage to pursue them". -Walt Disney.

As a child, I remember dreaming having a high paying job, living in some really big and gorgeous looking house in a very nice environment, driving fancy cars, going on vacations with my family in any country of choice, having some good and fun time with my family. Dreams! Now I can understand why they were just dreams of infancy. Snap back to reality! The year 2012. I am way past adolescence. I have been through many schools, learnt a lot of interesting and challenging things and met a lot of interesting people. I am also well aware of the present global recession rocking this world since 2007, and I come from a country with extreme levels of poverty. Wow! What a contrast; reality is nothing close to my dreams.

As it is said, “the most difficult thing about growing up is coming to terms with reality”     

Does this mean that most of our dreams are mere wishes? No, there's nothing wrong with building castles in the air; all we need do is to place foundations and make them real.

"....there's never been anything false about hope"… Pres. Obama

A while ago, I checked out the meaning of the word “Entrepreneur”. It was reportedly derived from the 13th Century French verb "entreprendre"."Entre" meaning "to enter","Prendre" meaning "to take" this ideally describes an entrepreneur.

The most common response you'd get from a Nigerian Student on choice of career would be getting a job in Mobil, Shell or one of their kind. I think this in a great sense shows a high level of dampened Creativity and a lack of enterprise among the "literate class" in our country. But I won't blame anyone making that choice, as a matter of fact it's a pragmatic approach to choosing a career in our country today. After all our budget is almost totally dependent on Oil/Gas Sectors of the economy. One question must be asked though;” How has this nation with all its resource (human and Material) continued to grapple with poverty after over 50 years of political Independence? No doubt there must be a link between the prosperity of a nation and it's leadership. Our Colonial Masters (the British) steered our education in the direction of Literacy Education such as Liberal Arts, History, etc. The Nigerian Government at that time needed Indigenous personnel to take over from the expatriates at different levels of governance. The failure of policy makers to initiate a refocusing of our curriculum to produce manpower to address our present needs has created an unhealthy balance in the system. You’ve got many graduates chasing after very few jobs. Let’s face it, you’ve been trained all this years to look for a job, not to create one. It’s a lot easier taking a job that already exists than creating one that never was. This my friends marks the difference between an Entrepreneur and a regular person. An Entrepreneur is able to see the "unique" in the "familiar" and in embracing opportunity, he creates value and wealth for himself and others. While big companies are laying off workers, Entrepreneurs are hiring. New growth enterprise are the stimulus for any nation's economy, without a doubt, they are the engines of Job and Wealth creation. The regular guy drifts to the comfort of a job already granted, an allowance already secured a Car and house already paid for. An Entrepreneur on the other hand recognizes as he wakes every morning that he possess the Initiative and Responsibility to make things happen. His proactivity is a function of his decision and not his condition which means he still has the courage, the guts, the unflinching audacity to build a business even when the government's budget is a deficit. The Entrepreneur is passionate about his Job. He actually enjoys his work with all the difficulties and risks it entails because it gives him the freedom and opportunity to pursue his dream. I don't think the average regular guy who has to go to work (again!) every morning has a true sense of commitment to what he does. He works just to thrive, just to be able to live and support his dependants. If you gave him a fair choice; he’d quit the job without second thoughts.

With all that's been said; the frequent excuse we give for our failure to Innovate is a lack of Capital. I believe though, that the pursuit of Opportunity goes beyond the resource you currently control. If you have to achieve something significantly different, something that'd have lasting value long after you're gone; then you must brace up for the challenge of moving mountains and walking on water. It’s a good thing the government's beginning to respond positively by initiating Entrepreneurial Development Programs around the country. Despite the criticisms associated with the Poverty Alleviation Programme;its still making an Impact on the nation's economy. Countries like Malaysia and India Shared a similar colonial experience like us but have been able to put their acts right and produce a workforce that meets the country's needs. It’s better late than never, we still have all the time, all the momentum and the resource to turn the fortunes of this country around. How I wish we have the resolve as well.

I don't let a single day pass without stimulating the "Entrepreneurial Acumen" in me and I'd love for you to do the same. As long as we live in an imperfect world, conditions continue to exist, opportunities continue to abound; all of them screaming out, desperately begging for Innovation. Our ability to recognize and pursue these opportunities would determine if we'd ever have the luxury of living our dream or just walking the surface of the Earth as yet another mortal in the long line of the Homo sapiens Species. May the fear of Falling never keep us from Flying. This my friends is why I want you to be an Entrepreneur.