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Monday 1 October 2012

Why I Want You to be an Entrepreneur (Part 2)

It feels amusing everytime I find myself talking to someone or a group of persons about Entrepreneurship, about Opportunities. I'm constantly amused because my Ideas of a Career and Wealth Creation used to be very stereotype, Ideas that were based on false premises and a faulty Ideology. Today with all the buzz and activities I try to engage in, some people tell me my DNA (Igbo genes, lol) is just beginning to kick into gear. But I think that more than the natural heritage which I can't disclaim, it is the realization I wake with every morning that I possess the Initiative and Responsibility to make things happen that can make the Entrepreneurial process one hell of a "roller coaster", and seriously, who doesn’t just love that?

I used to be a big time critic of Multilevel Marketing (MLM) a.k.a. Network Marketing because it always appeared In genuine to me. I don't think my fears were unfounded because there are many fraudulent schemes and dubious businesses people front in the name of Network Marketing, but "If it isn’t the Real Deal, it can’t be the Real Deal". If there's a genuine company, with a genuine product and global aspirations with a huge potential for expansion; if there's such an opportunity and you find it friend, if you have the guts to, I can only tell you one thing, "Grab IT"! At this point, for good measure let me quote the words of one of the masters, Mr Kiyosaki. In his New York Times bestselling book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", he says the only way to become wealthy is to go into business for yourself. In his own words, "Mind Your Own Business." I may also add that "The greatest Entrepreneurial Opportunities will be in distributing products rather than in manufacturing products. I can say this with a great deal of conviction because on one level, I was engaged in the Manufacturing Business and on another in the Distribution Business. I've seen enormous rewards that come from distribution without the risks and troubles of Manufacturing.

I was in Lagos, “on the Lagos island” about two weeks ago, and while strolling with a friend, I noticed a man with his wagon parked beside the road. The car trunk was open and he had some merchandise on display with a great number of people around him. For a moment I looked at him and was like, "Hey! This just makes sense". This dude was doing his business from his car, eliminating the option of renting a building, of employing a security staff at the door, of hiring a receptionist to attend to clients, of being taxed for his business, of acquiring furniture that'd serve more as a liability than an asset. Coupled with this, he possessed the advantage of mobility and choice of customer. Definitely this is how small enterprises grow, certain structures would become necessary but at level of his business, that model's simply genius! Through direct selling, he eliminated so many overhead costs of doing business. At that moment, reflecting back to Network Marketing, which is also direct selling; I began to see how through the elimination of 3rd, 4th and even 5th parties in business, Network Marketing is able to pay "Crazy Commissions" to ordinary people enabling them to live extra- ordinary lives. This isn’t fiction friends, this is fact; and I am getting to Believe.

Some people come up with the excuse of Inadequate Capital. This could be a major constraint, but I believe though compared to the reward you could make out of the business with minimal risk, the capital is negligible. The pursuit of Opportunity goes beyond the resources one currently controls, if you truly can dare to dream, you'll do.

Another problem some pips have is the negative response they get from prospective customers when they've just started the business. Truly, one of the most annoying aspects of Entrepreneurship is having to sell but there isn't an Entrepreneur who doesn’t sell. It all depends on your attitude towards selling; like the masters say, "Perception is the Key". If you think it's about making quick profits off naive people, you're sure to fail at some point. Successful Entrepreneurs are Network Builders, selling for them is not just about initiating a transaction; it's about making and keeping a promise and a strong relationship with a customer. It's about the pleasure of seeing people derive value from your product. Irrespective of how awesome a product is, without good marketing, it's a Flop.

In closing, I'd love to quote the words of a legendary wise man from a distant time, a man who was king of a great nation and whose wisdom Kings and rulers, young and old, rich and poor, all sought to hear. He said:
"I have observed something else in this world of ours. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated do not always lead successful lives. This my friend is another reason Why I Want You to be an Entrepreneur.

Thank you for reading, Bye-Bye and and a Happy Independence Day to y'all
Dedicated to Randy Gage, truly a Legend.

Thanks Enyi Emezue for smashing ideas…